Sustainable development goals
"We envisage a world of universal respect for; human rights, equality, diversity, our planet and natural resources. A world with equal opportunity to fully realize our human potential and contribute to shared prosperity."
However, we live in a world full of immense challenges to sustainable development. Rising inequalities, natural resources depletion and global health threats are merely some of the challenges countries globally are occupied with.
As a plan of action all UN-members have developed and adopted the 2030 Agenda in 2015. The 2030 agenda is a blueprint stakeholders involved. It includes a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals
and targets that will stimulate action in areas of critical importance for humanity and the planet; people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnerships.
Member States agree that these challenges and commitments are interrelated and call for integrated solutions. Solutions that need to be co-created by the public and private industry through strategic partnerships.
In a time of great challenges this agenda has made significant progress as well. Hundreds of millions of people have emerged from extreme poverty, access to education has greatly increased and the spread of technology and global interconnectedness has the potential to accelerate human progress and develop knowledge societies.
SDG's not on track
Our progress is stalling it is clear we need a more ambitious response to unleash the social and economic transformation.
technology impacting sdg's
Lean more about the impact of technology, innovation and investments on SDG's.
RaiseV's committed to contribute to 14 out of 17 sdg's
Through our engagement with several stakeholders, our value proposition and extensive offering RaiseV is able to create a platform and a breeding ground for holistic solutions that create shared value for all. We are committed to unlock the opportunities and continue to seek new forms of collaborations to do so. Our propositions allow us to contribute to 14 out of 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
capability development
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have the potential to unleash innovation, economic growth, and development at an unprecedented scale. They also represent a significant market opportunity for business, estimated to be worth at least US$12 trillion per year by 2030.
Radical transformation is required to deliver the Global Goals, allowing business to demonstrate leadership and apply its creativity to innovate for a more sustainable and inclusive future. Below modules are available for your business to learn more about the sustainable development goals. Contact us for more information.
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